Irregular Hexadoku puzzles - 16x16 Irregular Sudoku - to play online

60,000 irregular hexadoku grids to solve

An irregular hexadoku is a 16x16 sudoku grid with 16 irregularly shaped regions.

You must complete the grid boxes without putting a repetition in each row, column or region. The possible values are those of hexadecimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F.

These sixteen values are only representative. They avoid here having to enter two characters for values above 9.

The site offers 60,000 problems divided into two forms and three levels.
 Shapes: Symmetric or asymmetric puzzles.
 Levels: Beginner, confirmed and expert.

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Forms :   Symmetric    Aymmetric
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(From 1 to 10,000)
Forms : Symmetric     Asymmetric
Validate button.

 Tips for use 

Our 16x16 irregular puzzles, to play online, have only one and unique solution. No multiple choice is useful to finalize any resolution.

Choice of grids: Symmetrical grids are a little easier to solve than asymmetric grids. Indeed, at the levels and equal numbers the symmetrical puzzles have a little less cells to solve. We can notice that the symmetry of the grids is only of aesthetic order.

Why play 16x16 irregular Sudokus: Discontinuous hexadoku is a variant of 9x9 irregular sudoku. This puzzle creates longer and hard to find configurations. Only expert-level issues may require the use of marked candidates.

 Gambling Grid Levels Online 

• The "Beginner" riddles are totally resolvable by "inclusion" while allowing other methods.
• The "Confirmed" riddles are fully resolvable by "inclusion" and "exclusion" while allowing other methods.
• The "Expert" puzzles are resolvable by "inclusion", "exclusion and" exclusive pairs".
For an explanation of these three methods of resolution, similar to regular sudoku, see: How to solve.

 Symmetric and asymmetric grids 

An irregular 16x16 sudoku is symmetrical when the regions that compose it are equitably distributed around the central squares. This appearance is only aesthetic and does not change the grid's resolution methods.

 Free reproduction 

All the 16x16 irregular sudoku grids that are shown on this site are a creation at These issues are unrestricted only if a link to is at least present on the pages, who reproduce them.

Hexaxdoku irregular grid to play online.